Marvel/Mike Allred
Vincent D’Onofrio and Charlie Cox sat in for a Reddit AMA to promote Daredevil before it lands on Netflix this Friday, revealing a few interesting tidbits along the way. The biggest assurance for fans came from Cox, confirming the classic Daredevil costume.
This came up as the result of a question from Reddit user trekstark, also throwing in a little hypothetical about Batman:
Hi! Mr. Cox, did you prefer using the red Daredevil suit or the black one we have seem in the trailers? Also, who would win in a fight, Batman or Daredevil?
I love both of the suits. Obviously it was great to involve the John Romita Jr. black ninja costume but the day I first put on the iconic costume is a day I will never forget. I would have to back Daredevil against Batman but that may be because I am close to him now.
I’m sure plenty of people are going to zoom to an episode that features the classic costume the instant the episodes are posted on Friday morning. That’s where the true review for the show will come for some, all based on that costume. It can’t be much worse than what we’ve seen in the past, so I’m not worried.
As for the other question, I’d like to see Ben Affleck and Charlie Cox fight each other in the street. Have it play like some silly comic book movie turf war, all Jason Momoa’s fault. Photoshop the costumes on them like SNL did to Michael Keaton.
(Via Reddit)