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Important News For ‘Game Of Thrones’ Fans: Everybody’s Getting Replaced With Pugs


We’ve seen the same three pugs (Roxy, Blue, and Bono) dressed up as Game Of Thrones characters last Halloween, but now pet owners Sue and Phillip Lauer have teamed with Josh Hittleman and blinkbox to make a short film with the pugs to celebrate season four being available on blinkbox. So, yeah, it’s an advertisement, which the making of video makes even more clear. But it’s also pugs dressed as GoT characters. Damn you, advertisers; you’ve discovered my weaknesses. Pugs, Game Of Thrones, and bullets. In that order.

“The Pugs Of Westeros” stars Roxy, Blue, and Bono as several characters from the series, and we’ve included pictures of their many guises below.

Wheezing is coming.

Robb Stark, Ned Stark, and Jon Snow

Tyrion Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, and Jon Snow

Oberyn Martell

Grand Maester Pycelle



Daenerys Targaryen

Via Laughing Squid and The Mary Sue

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